FAWL Annual Awards
Nomination Deadline is Friday, February 7, 2025
Chapter size category based on January 31, 2025 membership number. Submitted Programs must be completed by January 31, 2025.
View Current and Past Winners Here
>> Scroll to the bottom of this page for the following forms <<
Jurist of the Year
Rosemary Barkett Outstanding Achievement Award
Outstanding Chapter Award Nomination Form
Outstanding Student Chapter Award
Outstanding Member Program Award
Outstanding Public Service Award
Leader in the Law
FAWL's Jurist of the Year Award was established in 2015. The Jurist of the Year Award is an annual award that seeks to give recognition and acknowledgment to jurists, either State or Federal, who have consistently, fearlessly, and impartially promoted the rule of law respecting the equal rights of all who come before him or her. The award should be viewed as recognition of a distinguished career on the bench, as well as contributions to the community and the practice of law.
FAWL's Rosemary Barkett Outstanding Achievement Award is awarded annually to a FAWL member who has:
-demonstrated a commitment to the purpose and goals of FAWL;
-excelled to outstanding career achievement that charts new territory in our profession;
-helped to overcome traditional stereotypes associated with women by breaking barriers, molding a new reality and a new way of thinking about themselves, others and their place in the universe or has promoted the status of women within the profession;
advanced the status of women in the State of Florida; and
-is an active, dues-paid member of FAWL.
The Outstanding Chapter Award was established in 2008. This award is presented annually to the FAWL chapter that has most effectively:
-created new programs, events or services and/or expanded on traditional programs, events or services that further FAWL's mission;
-provided programs, events or services that encourage and assist members to become leaders in the profession and in the community as a whole;
-sought and gained exposure and recognition in both the legal community and the community as a whole;
-promoted diversity in the workplace, the practice of law and/or in the community;
-successfully recruited and retained members; and
-consistently participated in the state FAWL organization by paying dues in a timely manner;
-having an active chapter representative;
-attending meetings and functions;
-encouraging volunteers for committees and offices;
-working well with other local chapters, and
-assisting with FAWL projects.
Outstanding Student Chapter Award was established in 2014. This award is presented annually to the FAWL student chapter that has most effectively:
-created new programs, events, or services and/or expanded on traditional programs, events or services that further FAWL's mission;
-provided programs, events or services that encourage and assist members to become leaders in the law school and in the community;
-sought and gained exposure and recognition in both the law school community and the community as a whole;
-promoted diversity in law school and/or in the community; (5) successfully recruited new members; and
consistently participated in the State FAWL organization by
-paying dues in a timely manner;
-having an active chapter representative;
-attending meetings and functions;
-encouraging volunteers for committees and offices;
-working well with other local chapters, and
-assisting with FAWL projects.
The Outstanding Member Program Award was established in 2007. The award is presented annually to the FAWL chapter that has presented an outstanding program to its members that is:
-educational, in an area of substantive or procedural law, and/or benefits women lawyers in updating, marketing, diversifying and/or improving their business or practice, teaches leadership skills or provides a pathway to obtaining positions of leadership and/or reminds and teaches lawyers about their ethical and professional responsibilities;
-reflective of FAWL's mission;
-easily recreated by other chapters; and
-has quality supporting materials.
Outstanding Public Service Award was established in 2012. This award is presented annually to the FAWL chapter that has presented an outstanding program that is:
-beneficial and/or educational to a non-legal segment of the community, the community at large; or a specific charitable organization or cause;
-reflective of FAWL's mission, and
-easily recreated by other chapters.
Leader in the Law Nominated by FAWL chapters, these outstanding women have made significant impacts in their communities. This recognition is intended to promote women who are not necessarily at the pinnacle of their career, but who have nonetheless made meaningful contributions in their communities through their legal service or volunteer activities and who have provided a positive role model for FAWL members. The number of Leader in the Law Awards is based on the size of the nominating chapter.